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A member registered Aug 05, 2018

Recent community posts

Very nicely done! I love the character designs, they're very unique and memorable

Omg, I'm ready 8L

Thank you very much for the email. I highly appreciate it!

I look forward to messaging you!

All right I see. Thank you for taking time to answering my question, and so sorry for pressuring you!

Please have a good day

Hello. I'm having trouble with discord. You've mentioned another site? Bunny booth channel?

Can we plz have a link to that?

Ok that sounds great ^w^

And thank you for taking time for responding to my post!

Also BTW i love the art in the webcomic!

Hello! Glad to hear that you're ok.

If you don't mind me asking, are you still planning on the production of the game?


I'm sorry to hear that but you must do whatever you think needs to be done to better your health.

I do hope you get better soon. Take your time and take care :)

nevermind i figured it out :3

So I figured it out LOL...I downloaded the PC file of the game and it works. so my mac laptop works better with PC apps/files...than with mac files....I feel betrayed but grateful that I can play your game. Will post again after I've finished my run

from the page? I have

Do I need to try the Renplay page?

I've unzipped the file and I can't find the game app.

I'm gonna try other things and will get back if anything comes up

I have downloaded the mac file already. I'm just having some trouble with finding the application

Can't really seem to find the application using mac

help please?

Love the game. A few typos here and there but hey nothing I can't complain too much about.

Love the characters and how they look! I can't wait to learn more about them in the future!

OH LAWRD this is tense! I'm on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happens next

I will and thanks for help

Update: I got it working! It was on my end, had nothing to do with the game itself

Thanks for taking your time with me! Hope you have a good day.

I've downloaded it brand spanking new. No previous files.

I'm gonna investigate further on my end. I'm gonna try downloadig the game again and see if it works now. So sorry to bother you

hello. sorry to bother you, but I can't seem to open the game (using windows). It's reading as something else

I don't think anything is wrong on my end, since the other games I have are working fine

Riker is a creep and SERIOUSLY have problems....but strangely cute

I can't wait to see where things go! Take care!!

He's cute...if but a bit creepy.

...but cute. 

Can't wait to see the full game :3

It's fine! Besides I want to keep things a surprise I want to go in knowing as little as possible!

the game i downloaded has been sitting in my files unplayed. I'll delete it no problem at all. Also don't feel too bad we all make mistakes :)

love the weirdcore theme you got going on :)

what a shame. I know what you were going for but sometimes things don't work out. 

I wish you nothing but the best of luck for you and your future. Remember to pace yourself and take regular breaks

awesome art dude! You should be proud :)

I thought this was a simple quiz then I get with the hard hitting questions I'm not prepared to answer!!!

Oh my i was legit jump scared on the Rotten Milk route

I've had this boi for 10 minutes and I'm already prepared to defend him to end!

Can't wait for the full game!!

(1 edit)

I really like the game.

but there have been some interruptions during the cinematic scenes. and sometimes it lags or just freezes all together. I just wanted to point that out.


I'm thirsty all of the sudden~

love it! Left me wanting more!

I can't wait for the full game!

Well darn! Oh well, though, I guess I'll wait a bit longer. Don't want to rush and everything :D

Good luck!

When do you think you will be completely done with the game??? I want to play it when it has lots and LOTS to offer!